- AMBIT project site
- http://ambit.sourceforge.net
- OpenTox API JSON extension
- Example: tautomers
- Examples how to use ambit2-tautomer package
- Example: SMIRKS
- Examples how to use AMBIT SMIRKS implementation
- Example: applicability domain
- Examples how to use applicability domain methods in AMBIT
- AMBIT is an implementation of the OpenTox REST API (and more)
- OpenTox client
- OpenTox Java client library
- OpenTox Authentication and Authorization client library
- source code (Java)
- OpenTox Policy service
- source code (Java)
- OpenTox wrapper
- A wrapper for external toxicity prediction models as OpenTox algorithm and model services
All public code repositories
- at GitHub
- at sourceforge.net
- Toxbank web services client
- https://github.com/ToxBank/toxbank-api-client
- Toxbank protocol web services
- https://github.com/ToxBank/toxbank-api-server
- Toxbank ISA-TAB to RDF convertor
- https://github.com/ToxBank/isa2rdf
- Toxbank ISA Creator plugins
- https://github.com/ToxBank/toxbank-isa-plugin
- OpenTox ISA Creator plugins
- https://github.com/vedina/opentox-isa-plugin
The Chemistry Development Kit examples
- Examples: CDK
- Simple Maven Project example, using The Chemistry Development Kit as dependency.