- Kochev, Nikolay, Nina Jeliazkova, Vesselina Paskaleva, Gergana Tancheva, Luchesar Iliev, Peter Ritchie, and Vedrin Jeliazkov. 2020. Your Spreadsheets Can Be FAIR: A Tool and FAIRification Workflow for the ENanoMapper Database. Nanomaterials 10 (10): 1908. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10101908.
- Terziyski, Atanas, Stoyan Tenev, Vedrin Jeliazkov, Nina Jeliazkova, and Nikolay Kochev. 2020. METER.AC: Live Open Access Atmospheric Monitoring Data for Bulgaria with High Spatiotemporal Resolution. Data 5 (2): 36. https://doi.org/10.3390/data5020036.
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- N. Kochev, I. Tsakovska, and N. Jeliazkova, Cheminformatics representation of chemical structures - a milestone for successful big data modelling, in Big Data in Predictive Toxicology, D. Neagu and A. Richarz, Eds. RSC Publishing, 1 edition 2019.
- Jeliazkova N. Hendren C.O., Hristozov D., Farcal L., Kochev N., Doganis P., Ritchie P., Hardy B., Claus Svendsen C., Klaessig F., Willighagen E., Cohen Y.; EU US Nanoinformatics Roadmap 2030, Chapter 5 Data collection and curation 10.5281/zenodo.1486012
- Kochev N, Avramova S, Jeliazkova N: Ambit-SMIRKS: a software module for reaction representation, reaction search and structure transformation. J Cheminform 2018, 10:42. DOI:10.1186/s13321-018-0295-6
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- Karcher, S.; Willighagen, E. L.; Rumble, J.; Ehrhart, F.; Evelo, C. T.; Fritts, M.; Gaheen, S.; Harper, S. L.; Hoover, M. D.; Jeliazkova, N.; et al. Integration among databases and data sets to support productive nanotechnology: Challenges and recommendations. NanoImpact 2017 DOI:10.1016/j.impact.2017.11.002.
- Nymark, P.; Rieswijk, L.; Ehrhart, F.; Jeliazkova, N.; Tsiliki, G.; Sarimveis, H.; Evelo, C. T.; Hongisto, V.; Kohonen, P.; Willighagen, E.; et al. A data fusion pipeline for generating and enriching Adverse Outcome Pathway descriptions. Toxicol. Sci. 2017 DOI: 10.1093/toxsci/kfx252.
- Puzyn, T.; Jeliazkova, N.; Sarimveis, H.; Marchese Robinson, R. L.; Lobaskin, V.; Rallo, R.; Richarz, A.-N.; Gajewicz, A.; Papadopulos, M. G.; Hastings, J.; et al. Perspectives from the NanoSafety Modelling Cluster on the validation criteria for (Q)SAR models used in nanotechnology. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2017 , DOI:10.1016/j.fct.2017.09.037.
- Willighagen, E. L.; Mayfield, J. W.; Alvarsson, J.; Berg, A.; Carlsson, L.; Jeliazkova, N.; Kuhn, S.; Pluskal, T.; Rojas-Cherto, M.; Spjuth, O.; et al. The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) v2.0: atom typing, depiction, molecular formulas, and substructure searching. J. Cheminform. 2017, 9, 33 DOI: 10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4.
- J. Sun, N. Jeliazkova, V. Chupakin, J.-F. Golib-Dzib, O. Engkvist, L. Carlsson, J. Wegner, H. Ceulemans, I. Georgiev, V. Jeliazkov, N. Kochev, T. J. Ashby, and H. Chen, ExCAPE-DB: an integrated large scale dataset facilitating Big Data analysis in chemogenomics, J. Cheminform., vol. 9, no. 1, p. 17, Mar. 2017. 10.1186/s13321-017-0203-5
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- N. Jeliazkova, V. Koch, Q. Li, U. Jensch, J. S. Reigl, R. Kreiling, I. Georgiev, and B. Hubesch, Linking LRI AMBIT chemoinformatic system with the IUCLID substance database to support read-across of substance endpoint data and category formation, Toxicol. Lett., vol. 258, pp. S114-S115, Sep. 2016. 10.1016/j.toxlet.2016.06.1469
- N. Jeliazkova, C. Chomenidis, P. Doganis, B. Fadeel, R. Grafström, B. Hardy, J. Hastings, M. Hegi, V. Jeliazkov, N. Kochev, P. Kohonen, C. R. Munteanu, H. Sarimveis, B. Smeets, P. Sopasakis, G. Tsiliki, D. Vorgrimmler, and E. Willighagen, The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information,Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., vol. 6, pp. 1609-1634, Jul. 2015. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.165
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- Kohonen P., Benfenati E., Bower D., Ceder R., Crump M., Cross K., Grafström R., Healy L., Helma C., Jeliazkova N., Jeliazkov V., Maggioni S., Miller S., Myatt G., Rautenberg M., Stacey G., Willighagen E., Wiseman J., Hardy B., The ToxBank Data Warehouse: Supporting the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing, Molecular Informatics, 2013, 32(1);47-63.
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- Willighagen E., Affentranger A., Grafström R., Hardy B., Jeliazkova N., Spjuth O., Chapter 2. Interactive predictive toxicology with Bioclipse and OpenTox, In Lee Harland, & Mark Forster (Eds.), Open source software in life science research: Practical solutions to common challenges in the pharmaceutical industry and beyond (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine) (pp. 35-61). Woodhead Publishing 2012.
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- Noel M O'Boyle , Rajarshi Guha , Egon L Willighagen , Samuel E Adams , Jonathan Alvarsson , Jean-Claude Bradley , Igor V Filippov , Robert M Hanson , Marcus D Hanwell , Geoffrey R Hutchison , Craig A James , Nina Jeliazkova , Andrew SID Lang , Karol M Langner , David C Lonie , Daniel M Lowe , Jerome Pansanel , Dmitry Pavlov , Ola Spjuth , Christoph Steinbeck , Adam L Tenderholt , Kevin J Theisen and Peter Murray-Rust, Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on Journal of Cheminformatics 2011, 3:37, doi:10.1186/1758-2946-3-37.
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- B. Hardy, N. Douglas, C. Helma, M. Rautenberg, N. Jeliazkova, V. Jeliazkov, I. Nikolova, R. Benigni, O. Tcheremenskaia, S. Kramer, T. Girschick, F. Buchwald, J. Wicker, A. Karwath, M. Gütlein, A. Maunz, H. Sarimveis, G. Melagraki, A. Afantitis, P. Sopasakis, D. Gallagher, V. Poroikov, D. Filimonov, A. Zakharov, A. Lagunin, T. Gloriozova, S. Novikov, N. Skvortsova, D. Druzhilovsky , S. Chawla, I. Ghosh, S. Ray, H. Patel, S. Escher, Collaborative Development of Predictive Toxicology Applications, Journal of Cheminformatics 2010, 2:7doi:10.1186/1758-2946-2-7.
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- Aynur O. Aptula, Nina G. Jeliazkova,, Terry W. Schultz, Mark T. D. Cronin The Better Predictive Model: High q2 for the Training Set or Low Root Mean Square Error of Prediction for the Test Set?, QSAR and Combinatorial Science 2005, 24, 385-396 (2005)
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